Software and Multimedia R&D.

The Old About

Neurogami was founded by James Britt in 2001 for Web and interactive multimedia technology development. The word "neurogami" itself was invented by James Britt; the combined imagery of neuro (as in neurology and neuroscience) and gami (as in origami) was intended to create mental picture. Neurogami operates at the intersection of art and technology.

Neurogami services cover a variety of areas, including music, publishing, and software development.

A key focus is on helping develop technology that enhances engagement and interaction with assorted devices, especially for the creation of art and music.

Neurogami is available for contract and consulting work. If you are looking to develop an interactive display, or require a custom video game (especially one that uses gesture-based controllers, such as the Wii remove, the Xbox Kinect, or the Leap Motion) Neurogami can help.